Friday, August 25, 2006

Crime in the Sky

Recently- the news is filled with reports of unruly passengers and strange smells and other reasons for planes to be diverted & make unexpected landings... Today, two people were arrested on flights coming to Charlotte, NC. One flight that was headed to Charlotte was diverted to Oklahoma City airport because of an unruly passenger. He was subsequently arrested and the flight continued to Charlotte without incident. (See Article)

The second airplane incident ended with an arrest made in Charlotte. Airport police and the Transportation Security Administration took Janet Gregory (R) into custody the moment her flight landed from Cleveland, OH. Airport officials told Eyewitness News she was cleaning and polishing her fingernails during the flight and refused to hand over her nail polish. Nail polish is one of the items banned under new security restrictions- for obvious reasons.

Authorities said when they tried to arrest Ms. Gregory- she kicked a TSA agent. Gregory is in the Mecklenburg County Jail charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, assault on a handicapped person and communicating threats. I am not sure who the handicapped person was that she assaulted...

Yesterday, a flight headed to Charlotte-Douglas International Airport from Boston was forced to turn around due to a strange odor on the plane- something that smelled like sulfur. The plane was evacuated and the passengers were put on another plane to Charlotte. Officials have not said what the smell was.