Monday, August 21, 2006

Tougher DWI Law in NC

Today, NC Governor Mike Easley signed a new bill into law, making it easier for judges to convict drunk drivers. A good percentage of people pulled over for drunk driving are getting away with it- but that is going to change. The new law comes into effect on December 1, 2006.

Some of the changes with the new law:

- Currently, a blood alcohol test that is over the legal limit of .08 is only one factor a judge can consider. Under the new law- a BAC over .08 is all a judge will need to find a driver guilty.

- The law also makes it illegal for anyone under 21 to consume alcohol. Until now it has only been illegal to buy alcohol or possess it. Under the new law, police could use a breathalyzer on teens who they suspect have been drinking, even if they're not behind the wheel.

- The new law also increases prison time for repeat drunk drivers and requires prosecutors to provide a written explanation anytime they dismiss a DWI case. Source: