Monday, December 18, 2006

Charlotte, NC Neighborhood Watch

Is your community or neighborhood part of Charlotte's Neighborhood Watch program? If not, you should consider getting one started! A Neighborhood or Apartment Watch is a proven way to prevent crime... The police cannot be everywhere and extra eyes and ears in your community is a great crime deterrent. A neighborhood watch is also a good way to meet your neighbors and organize community events- block parties, clean-ups, yard sales, etc.

Local Crime Watches in Charlotte, NC:
* Willowmere Neighborhood Watch
* Windsor Grove HOA/Community Watch
* McAlpine Tennille Neighborhood Watch
* Country Club Heights Crime Watch
* Cabarrus County Neighborhood Watch
* Windsor Park Community Watch
* Plaza-Midwood Community Watch

Community Watch Info:
-How to Establish a Community Watch
-CharMeck neighborhood Watch Chairperson Handbook
-Sample Form: Community Evaluation
-Sample Form:
Report suspicious Activities
-Sample Form:
Meeting Agenda
-Sample Form:
Safety Questionnaire
-Prevent Crime-
Info on Neighborhood Watch

* If I missed your crime watch, please e-mail me with the website info.