Friday, September 8, 2006

Watch Out North Charlotte!

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police are warning a North Charlotte neighborhood to be on the lookout for a teenage break-in suspect. 19-year-old David Bradley Webber (Right) has been arrested a dozen times in the past two years for crimes across Charlotte, NC.

The most recent arrest was for a break-in at the home of a woman who was in Hospice. She died and police say Webber made off with $20,000 worth of valuables from her home.

That break-in was occurred in the Allen Hills neighborhood in North Charlotte- a neighborhood who has seen 17 break-ins in the past few months. Police have only arrested people for 2 of the 17 crimes.

Webber is out on bond right now; police sent an email to the neighborhood association warning them to watch for him because he is familiar with the area and lives nearby. If you live in this area, please check out the
Derita-Statesville Road Community Organization site for more community information.