On that note- I decided it was time to move from the "free" information websites and purchase information on Hammond's Criminal History. I've updated his criminal history information for your reading pleasure... Please note the number of dismissals, especially the 8/18/02 murder charge that was dismissed!! As always, please feel free to copy and paste this information in your e-mails to our elected officials as another example of why we need to see change and more funding for our court system! Remember ... Kendrick Hammond is on the streets of Charlotte right now!

Since 1998, Hammond has been arrested by CMPD at least 45 times! Not all the charges are serious but they are still arrests!!! What can Charlotte do with these habitual repeat offenders who waste our tax dollars and police resources?
- 8/27/98- Assault & Battery - Fined $80
- 10/16/98- Carrying a concealed weapon, operate vehicle w/o license- Dismissed
- 11/07/98 - Common law robbery, Poss. w/ intent to distribute cocaine- 2 years probation
- 11/28/98- Poss. of stolen goods, operate vehicle w/o license - Dismissed
- 12/12/98- Resisting public officer - Dismissed
- 3/24/99- Poss. with intent to distribute cocaine, poss. of drug paraphernalia, operate vehicle w/o license- Dismissed
- 7/30/99- Driving without a license - Fined $86.00
- 11/08/99- Robbery with dangerous weapon - Dismissed
- 2/16/00- Driving while license revoked- Dismissed
- 2/19/00 - Driving while license revoked- Fined $86.00
- 5/18/00- Poss. of stolen goods, poss. of drug paraphernalia - Dismissed
- 6/06/00- Poss. w/intent to distribute cocaine, Driving w/o license, fictitious info to officer – Probation
- 6/23/00- Driving while license revoked - Dismissed
- 8/02/00- Assault on a female - Dismissed
- 10/28/00- Poss. of stolen goods, carrying a concealed weapon- Dismissed
- 11/03/00- 2 counts: Robbery with a dangerous weapon- Dismissed
- 11/30/00- Robbery with a dangerous weapon - Dismissed
- 12/26/01- Driving while license revoked - Dismissed
- 5/28/01- Poss. of a firearm by felon, 2 Counts Robbery w/dangerous weapon, assault with deadly weapon- intent to kill - Dismissed
- 6/16/01- Resisting Public Officer - 20 days in Jail
- 6/06/02- Hit & Run (Principal), Driving while license revoked- 36 months probation.
- 8/07/02- Driving while license revoked- Dismissed
- 8/18/02 - First Degree MURDER, Assault with a deadly weapon- intent to kill - Dismissed
- 10/03/02- Breaking & Entering & Resisting Public Officer- Dismissed
- 5/27/03- DWI (Level 4), Poss. of stolen goods, driving while license revoked- 12 months probation for DUI. Other 2 charges dismissed.
- 7/26/03- Assault on a Female- Dismissed
- 8/11/03- Driving while license revoked- Dismissed
- 3/02/04 – DWI, Resisting Public Officer, Probation Violation
- 3/26/04 - Probation Violation - Dismissed
- 3/29/04 – Intoxicated & Disruptive- Dismissed
- 4/10/04 – Assault w/ deadly weapon- Serious injury - Dismissed
- 4/22/04 – Robbery w/ dangerous weapon, Assault- Inflict serious bodily harm, Assault with a deadly weapon (gun), Resist Public Officer, Hit & Run
* 4/22/04- 07/16/04- IN JAIL
- 8/20/04 – Resisting Public Officer, Robbery with dangerous weapon, Possession with intent to distribute cocaine, Hit & Run
* 8/20/04 – 12/1/04- IN JAIL
- 1/30/05 – Driving while license revoked- Dismissed
- 4/05/05- Possession with intent to distribute cocaine
- 5/06/05 – Injury to personal property, Possession with the intent to distribute cocaine.
* 5/06/05- 05/13/05- IN JAIL
- 5/23/05 - Possession with intent to distribute cocaine, Recording of live performance, Injury to personal property
* 05/23/05 – 02/22/06- IN JAIL
- 3/07/06 – Contempt of Court- Driving while license revoked
- 4/24/06 - Assault on a Female
- 5/05/06- Communicating Threats
- 5/19/06- Possession with intent to distribute cocaine
* 5/19/06 – 5/23/06 – IN JAIL
- 6/14/06 - Driving while license revoked
- 9/07/06- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
- 10/04/06- Possession with intent to distribute cocaine, possession of marijuana, open container of alcoholic beverage
- 10/24/06- Driving while license revoked