Donald Pruitt is still on the run. Please call police if you have any information on the whereabouts of this man. He is wanted for numerous rape charges and should not be on the streets!! Donald Pruitt, 45, scaled a fence Tuesday at Anson Correctional Center near Polkton sometime between the regularly scheduled 6 am -8 am head count.
Prison officials believe someone in a car picked Pruitt up outside the prison, about 45 miles east of Charlotte. Police suspect he might be headed to Charlotte, where he has relatives.
Police and state prison officials launched a search Tuesday, warning residents to be wary of Pruitt, who faces 11 new charges that include rape, robbery, kidnapping and burglary. Authorities weren't sure whether he is armed, but they said he should be considered dangerous. If you see Pruitt, please call 911.
- Accused rapist flees as charges loom
- Rapes linked to Donald Pruitt
- Escape followed police interview