Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Holly Mitchell Arrested AGAIN!

Holly Mitchell, 18, was arrested again yesterday! His latest charges are for breaking and entering.

Mitchell is the teenager who brought an M-16 assault rifle to a football game last September. A month before he was caught with the gun, he was sentenced to 36 months of intensive probation for stealing cars.

On January 7th, 2007, Holly Mitchell appeared before District Court Judge Linwood O. Foust for a probation violation hearing. Mitchell's Probation Officer, CMPD Police Officers and the Prosecutor recommended Mitchell serve the rest of his sentence behind bars.

Judge Linwood Foust decided it was better to release Holly back on the streets and not hold him accountable for his actions. Judge Foust chose to ignore the fact Holly Mitchell has a steady arrest record for the past few years and has no regard for the law. When will someone hold this kid responsible?