Monday, March 19, 2007

Man Arrested for Flashing 15-year old Girl

UPDATE: 3-20-07- Zarrinnam was arrested again today for indecent exposure.

Kristopher Ali Zarrinnam, 21, was arrested today after he flashed a 15-year old girl when she was walking home from her school bus stop. The incident happened in the McAlpine Forest neighborhood along Colony Road near SouthPark Mall.

Police say Zarrinnam approached the girl in his car and followed her. The girl saw Zarrinnam masturbating in the front seat of his car and she said he made lewd expressions at her when she looked at him.

The victim hurried home and told her parents who notified police. CMPD officers arrested Kristopher Zarrinnam as he was leaving the subdivision. He is charged with indecent exposure.

Zarrinnam has a record of exposing himself to women. In 2005, he was arrested and charged in Union County with five counts of indecent exposure. Police in Union County say he exposed himself to many different women over a nine month period. Zarrinnam pled guilty to the indecent exposure charges. More Info @ WBTV

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