Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Support House Bill 933 (NC Jessica Lunsford Act)

It is hard to forget the story of 9-year old Jessica Lunsford, a sweet young girl who was kidnapped, raped and buried alive by a repeat and registered sex offender in Florida. Jessica was born and lived in Gastonia until 2004. She was killed in 2005.

Since Jessica's awful murder, 39 states have enacted some sort of 'Jessica's Law' legislation- which calls for tougher laws and punishments for men and women convicted of sexually abusing children under the age of 12. North Carolina is 1 of 10 states that does NOT have a form of Jessica's Law in place.

For the past two years, citizens and child advocate groups have urged NC representatives to pass North Carolina House Bill 933 (aka Jessica Lunsford Act). In 2007, HB-933 passed through the House of Representatives by a vote of 114 to 0, but the bill never made it to the Senate floor for a vote.
At this time, the bill is being held up by the Senate Judiciary I Committee (Civil). If the bill is approved by the Judiciary I Committee, it will be referred to the Appropriations/Base Budget Committee and if favorable, the bill will go to the Senate for a vote.


Members of the Judiciary I Committee:
Chairman: Sen. Marin L. Nesbitt, Jr., Vice Chairman: Sen. Philip E. Berger, Vice Chairman: Sen. Daniel G. Clodfelter (Mecklenburg County), Vice Chairman: Sen. R. C. Soles, Jr.
Members: Sen. Charles W. Albertson, Sen. Julia Boseman, Sen. Andrew C. Brock, Sen. Harry Brown, Sen. Peter S. Brunstetter, Sen. Janet Cowell, Sen. Malcolm Graham (Mecklenburg County), Sen. David W. Hoyle, Sen. Clark Jenkins, Sen. Eleanor Kinnaird, Sen. Vernon Malone, Sen. Floyd B. McKissick, Jr., Sen. Tony Rand, Sen. Richard Stevens, Sen. Jerry W. Tillman

Additional 'Jessica's Law' Resources & Links: