Monday, March 10, 2008

My Nomination for America's Most Wanted 'All-Star' Contest

America's Most Wanted is currently holding an 'All-Star' contest to award Law Enforcement Officers, Fire Fighters, EMT's, etc., who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. I submitted an All-Star nomination for CMPD Officer Kayvan Hazrati.

After I attended the NC -v- Ellerbe trial and heard the details of what happened the day Officer Kayvan Hazrati was shot, I learned the real meaning of 'hero.' Many of the Officers who were there that day are heroes but thankfully they were able to walk away physically unharmed. Officer Hazrati did not.

I heard from AMW the following day and was told the Producers needed to review the nomination because the 'heroism' was supposed to have occurred in 2007, and Ofc. Hazrati was shot in 2006. Today, I got the bad news... the Producers declined to accept the nomination.

Even though you won't see it on AMW, I would like to share my submission with you.

"Why is this person an All-Star?"
On April 5th, 2006, Officer Kayvan Hazrati was working with the VCAT (Violent Criminal Apprehension Team) when he was shot in the head while serving a warrant on Christopher Ellerbe, a rape suspect wanted in South Carolina.

Christopher Ellerbe wouldn’t come out of his brother’s home and police were unable to make contact with him by phone. The VCAT team covered all the doors in the home in an attempt to make verbal contact with Ellerbe and coax him out of the home or catch him if he tried to escape. Officer Hazrati was covering a side door as several other Officers went to the back door in an attempt to communicate with the suspect.

When Officers announced themselves at the back door, Christopher Ellerbe fired shots at them and they ran for cover. When Officer Hazrati heard shots being fired at his fellow officers, he attempted to enter the residence from the side door. As Officer Hazrati tried to break through the side door, Christopher Ellerbe shot him in the head.

No doubt, Officer Kayvan Hazrati is a hero! He was shot in the line of duty trying to protect his fellow Officers and it is a miracle he survived the attack! Officer Hazrati suffered severe brain damage as a result of the gunshot wound and suffers from severe pain 24/7.

Since his injury, Officer Hazrati has refused to give up and has gone through an astounding amount of various therapies to get to where he is today! Sadly, he still suffers from constant pain and fatigue but has made tremendous strides in so many other ways.

Last month, Officer Hazrati faced the man who shot him in court. The Defendant, Christopher Ellerbe, represented himself in the courtroom and questioned Officer Hazrati for nearly two hours. Despite his pain and other effects from his injuries, Officer Hazrati took the stand and remained strong and professional throughout the whole trial. Christopher Ellerbe was found guilty on all charges and was sentenced to 66 years in prison.

Unfortunately, Officer Hazrati will serve a life sentence of pain and will have to deal with the permanent effects of his brain injury.

Although Officer Hazrati and his wife Heidi have suffered so much and continue to deal with the effects of his injury, they want to help other people! The Hazrati’s have started The April Five Organization, a non-profit organization to help Officers who have been injured in the line of duty. I believe Officer Hazrati deserves an AMW All-Star nomination as he is a hero in so many ways!

** Some good news... Injured Burke County Sheriff Deputy Martin Lawing is a finalist after he won last week's All-Star contest! Let's hope he wins!!