Monday, August 30, 2010

CMPD Investigating all Former Detective's Cases

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department announced today that it will coordinate an independent review of all cases where former CMPD Homicide Detective Arvin Fant served as lead detective.

The independent panel will be led by Retired Mecklenburg County Superior Court Honorable Judge Shirley Fulton and retired internal affairs and investigative supervisors from the CMPD. The panel will conduct an open and thorough examination of all investigations where Fant served as lead detective in order to determine whether discrepancies existed in any of his other cases.

The independent review, which will be monitored by the Mecklenburg County District Attorney’s Office, will begin early this week. If any discrepancies are revealed, the District Attorney’s office will provide further examination.

In addition to the independent review, supervisors and other lead detectives within the Department are conducting an internal evaluation of all homicide cases where Fant may have assisted to ensure all policies and procedures were followed.