Wednesday, June 1, 2011

NC Senate Budget to Cut $15 Million from Juvenile Justice Dept

The NC State Senate's budget is calling for a 10% cut to the Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency.   The Senate is proposing cutting $15 million dollars from the juvenile justice budget which would mean less court counselors, eliminate beds in juvenile detention centers, hundreds of job losses, facility closures and cuts in education and prevention programs for juvenile offenders.

In 2010, over 3,000 juveniles were charged with crimes in Mecklenburg County!  If the state continues to cut funds from our legal system, it only harms the community.  As you know from this past weekend's events, our teenagers are out of control!  We may not be able to change behaviors in 'adult criminals' but we have a chance with the children!

The Senate votes on the budget proposal later this week!  Please contact your Senator and ask them not to cut funds from the Justice System!  The following Senator's serve Mecklenburg County: