Thursday, August 24, 2006

CMPD July Crime Statistics

Crime statistics for the month of July indicate the number of murders in Charlotte are down, but burglaries, car thefts and deadly accidents are up. So far this year there have been 39 murders in Charlotte- compared to 49 at this same time last year. The police department officials believe new initiatives to fight crime are working and if those initiatives were not in place, the numbers would be higher.

Charlotte, NC Crime stats for July 2006:
* Burglaries have increased by nearly 7% from this time last year.
* Car thefts are up by more than 4% from this time last year.
* Deadly car accidents are up by 50% from this time last year.
* Aggravated assaults have increased at 5% from this time last year.

Police attribute speed, drunk driving and volume of traffic for the deadly car accident increase. On a positive note, officers are making more arrests. The department arrest record is up by nearly 10% compared to this time last year. Sources: