Sunday, August 27, 2006

Keeping Our Courtrooms Safe

Thousands of people pass through the Mecklenburg County Courthouse every day-- CMPD officers and Sheriff's deputies make sure that nobody sneaks anything in that could threaten the safety of those inside.

In the past month, officers have collected razor blades, construction tools, drug scales, box cutters, pocket knives, bullets and shotgun shells at the metal detectors. 6NEWS watched deputies work the main courthouse doors for two hours. In just that time- they saw two people stopped for trying to bring in knives.

No weapons are allowed in the courtroom. The sheriff's office told 6NEWS that in 2005, more than 6,000 items were found. The list includes steak knives, tasers, a stun gun and handcuff keys. That number also includes what's found outside the courthouse. Throughout the day, deputies comb bushes and alcoves looking for things people stash before they try to come in. Deputies said they have to look closely because you never know what someone's intentions are.

"The main part of us being here is trying to keep a safe, controlled environment for the people who come in here," said Sheriff Deputy Rhodes. Everything collected gets documented and eventually a lot of it is burned. It's just part of the job, to keep the courts safe. "It's an ongoing process. Even when it gets slow, someone will surprise you," said Rhodes. Source: WCNC

* Keeping the courts safe - VIDEO