Monday, March 12, 2007

Car Break-In Suspects Arrested

Union County Sheriff officers arrested two people they believe are responsible for at least 20 car break-ins that have occurred in the Indian Trail area since February. The two suspects are Thomas Byrd (top photo) and Heather Slaughter. (bottom photo)

Police say the two suspects targeted unlocked cars in Indian Trail neighborhoods. Police found several of the stolen items in an abandoned Indian Trail home the suspects were living in. The items recovered included hand guns, CD Players and other electronics.

Thomas Kenneth Byrd, 23, of Indian Trail, faces charges including 21 counts of breaking and entering a motor vehicle, larceny of a firearm, and financial card theft and fraud. Byrd is in the Union County jail on a $25,000 bond.

Heather Nicole Slaughter, 18, of Indian Trail, faces charges including 20 counts of breaking and entering a motor vehicle, financial card theft and fraud and larceny. Slaughter is also in the Union County Jail with a $20,000 bond.