Sunday, March 11, 2007

"Operation Move Over" Law Crackdown

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police and the NC State Highway Patrol will be cracking down on motorists who break the 'Move Over' law. Police are calling the traffic safety project "Operation Move Over." A task force of officers will patrol roads to catch drivers who do not move over or slow down when emergency vehicles are on the side of the road.

The North Carolina "Move Over" law went into effect on January 1, 2002. The law requires motorists to move over when approaching a parked or standing emergency vehicle with its lights flashing on the shoulder of the highway. Motorists on two-lane roads should slow down and use caution when passing a parked or standing emergency vehicle.

The "Move Over" Law focuses on the safety of motorists, law enforcement and other emergency responders stopped along the shoulder of the road. Failure to abide by the "Move Over" Law could result in a minimum of a $250 fine plus $100 in court costs.