Wednesday, March 26, 2008

An Almost Crime Victim in the Wesley Chapel Area...

The following was written by a man who lives in the Wesley Chapel area...

“On March 25th, my wife was the victim of a failed carjacking attempt on Will Plyler Rd off of New Town Rd. This was in broad daylight, mind you. Let me give you some details so you can know what to look out for and how to warn others of this danger.

My wife and our four daughters were driving home after picking up some Chinese at Kami over next to Harris Teeter at the corner of 84 and Waxhaw-Indian Trail Rd. As she was driving down Will Plyler heading back toward Champion Forest, she noticed in her rear view mirror a white PT Cruiser coming up fast on her tail. The guy pulled over as if to pass her, but he never did. Instead, he pulled up beside her and stayed there.

She slowed down to let him pass (this was a really curvy part of the road and if anyone had come around the blind corner he would have gotten crushed). He slowed down too and stayed beside her. She looked over and saw that it was two Asian guys, both waving frantically at her to stop. She slowed down some more and rolled down her window - they yelled, 'Stop - we have something for you. We need to talk to you.'

Normally she would not have stopped, but... she had just been at the Chinese restaurant and these guys definitely looked Chinese and she thought that maybe she had left her credit card behind and these guys were trying to return it to her. Needless to say, she was a bit flustered. So she stopped. And they stopped, right next to her, on the wrong side of the road!

Then another car came up behind her, this one was a maroon Chrysler minivan, and it pulled up very close to her bumper. Suddenly, the two Asian guys got out of the Cruiser and started walking toward her, and she knew something was very wrong. The guy who had been in the passenger seat looked toward the back seat and must have seen the kids - he hesitated, looked back at his buddy, and my oldest daughter screamed, 'Mom, go, go, go!!!' My wife floored it. She looked in the rear view mirror and the maroon minivan floored it too, but they floored it in reverse - they did one of those high speed turn arounds just like in the movies and sped off, with dust and smoke flying.

When she got her wits about her, my wife called the police. There was a detective over at the Citgo and he went to check out Will Plyler, but there was no sign of anything. These guys were long gone. But here is some additional info – my 10 year old saw that one of the Asian guys was wearing all black and had an earring. She also said the other guy was wearing a white jacket and a dark brown and tan hat (not a baseball cap, but some kind of a ‘stylish’ hat for lack of a better phrase). He also had a skull on his shirt. My wife said that both guys were in their 20's or 30's and they were short, but stocky and strong looking. She can’t remember if they had accents. She didn’t see the people in the maroon van.

Folks, please be warned, especially women and teenage girl drivers. These guys are slick, they’re fast, they’re strong, and they are skilled. This was a total ambush – multiple cars, remote road, trying to act like they are helping when they were not. They were good. However I am still trying to figure out why they didn’t pull in front of my wife so they’d have her boxed in from behind and in front. All I can think of is that when they pulled up beside her and got out, they were basically scouting the situation, seeing if she was a good candidate. And apparently there was some question about that, because the guy really seemed spooked when he saw the kids in the back seat.

If my wife had been alone, things could have been very different. Thank God she wasn’t alone. Just because we live in sleepy little Wesley Chapel doesn’t mean there aren’t creeps out there waiting to pounce on innocent people. One good thing is this – I don’t know about you, but it’s not every day that you see a couple of Asian guys driving around the Waxhaw area in a white PT Cruiser. So they shouldn’t be hard to spot. If you see anyone fitting this description, call 911.

Again, please be careful. Lock your doors, stay on main roads as much as possible, and don’t pull over for people no matter how insistent they are. My wife is the most trusting person I know – and she almost paid a dear price for it."