Friday, March 28, 2008

Recent String of Armed Robberies in North Tryon Division

The following information was sent by a North Tryon Division Sergeant on March 25th:

We have had several convenience stores get robbed by the same suspects over this past weekend. The next paragraph describes our suspects. If your business happens to get robbed, I encourage you to close business immediately. Do not allow customers to come inside after the suspect leaves the scene. This will protect any evidence the suspect may have left behind.

Please encourage any customers/witnesses to stay at the scene until police arrive. Do not touch anywhere the suspect may have touched. Please check your security cameras to ensure they are working and actually have a new tape inside. Don’t allow subjects to loiter around your business. Call 911 if you see suspicious activity that may be related to this.

In three of the these cases, the suspect is described as a black male, 25 yrs old 5’5 to 5’7”, 130-150 lbs (skinny), wearing black pants, a black hooded sweatshirt and something dark over the lower portion of his face. He is armed with a small black handgun and is jumping or going behind the counters. No one has seen a suspect vehicle in any of these cases and we have very little to go on. The fourth case involves two teenage black males, one with a gray hooded sweatshirt with “9”s all over it.

All of the businesses continued business and let customer/witnesses come and go prior to police arrival. **NOT GOOD** Thanks for all your cooperation and let’s work together to stop these incidents from happening.