WHERE DOES CRIME STOPPERS GET ITS FUNDING? Funding of Crime Stoppers is provided through contributions by private individuals, businesses, fund-raising events, and grants. Your donation is important to the ongoing success of Crime Stoppers is making our community a safer place to live.
Crime Stoppers relies heavily on contributions such as yours to reward tipsters and to fund the highly successful Campus Crime Stopper program. You may make a donation either by mail or on the website via paypal. Checks can be made out to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Crime Stoppers and sent to P.O. Box 34392, Charlotte, NC 28234.
NON PROFIT STATUS: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Crime Stoppers is a non-governmental, non-profit 501(c) (3) agency led by a volunteer 18-member board of directors. All contributions to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Crime Stoppers are fully tax deductible.
TEXT: Text a tip to CRIMES (274637). Use TIP372 at the start of your message.
ONLINE: Submit information online at www.cmpd.org and click on the Crime Stoppers Link.
HOTLINE: Call the Crime Stoppers hotline at (704) 334-1600.