On January 3, 2011, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department launched a campaign directed toward assisting CMPD employees interested in losing weight. Crime fighting is a demanding career and often requires physical fitness. A fit police department makes for a successful department and benefits the community we serve immeasurably.
The three month campaign was crafted in a competition format similar to the 'Biggest Loser' program. Participants assembled teams that consisted of three to four employees from each of the 13 patrol divisions, members from headquarters, the training academy, vice and animal control.
After the initial weigh-in, participants were required to weigh-in every other week throughout the course of the program to measure their progress. Teams were given the option to designate a coach to assist them in meeting their goals.
The final numbers are in and they couldn’t be any more impressive!!
At the conclusion of the competition, the CMPD recorded :
• 3,442 total pounds lost! (That is an average of more than 9 pounds per participant)
• Headquarters building lost 852 pounds
• 5 teams lost more than 10% of total body weight
• 24 teams lost more than 5% of total body weight
Individual weight loss stats:
• 2 lost 50+ pounds • 7 lost 40+ pounds • 16 lost 30+ pounds • 45 lost 20+ pounds
•144 lost 10+ pounds
• 1 lost 20% of body weight • 32 lost more than10% of body weight
• 122 lost more than 5% of total body weight