Thursday, August 30, 2012

Annual Driving Report Puts NC Near Bottom of List for Safety

The 8th Annual Allstate America's Best Drivers Report was released Tuesday the 28th.

Using information from insurance claims, Allstate Insurance analyzed and ranked 200 of the nation's biggest cities according to driving safety.

Charlotte ranked 120th on the list of safe driving citys. The study says that an average Charlotte driver will be involved in a car crash just under every 9 years. This is slightly more often than the national average of 10 years. Allstate defines a crash as a collision that results in a property damage claim.

Although vehicle crashes kill over 30,000 Americans every year, deaths from crashes are at the lowest rate in over 50 years. About one tenth of American drivers are insured by Allstate, which makes their report an accurate portrayal of the nations' drivers.

For the fifth straight year, Sioux Falls, S.D. holds the record as the safest driving city in America, with residents expected to crash only every 13.8 years.