The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Foundation was established in 2004 by business and civic leaders as an independent, non-profit organization that strives to strengthen the services of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and promote public safety in Charlotte.
SPRING LUNCHEON- Keynote Speaker: Rudy Giuliani
DATE: May 10, 2011 @ Noon
LOCATION: Westin Hotel,601 S. College Street, Charlotte, NC 28202
COLD CASE DNA CRIME LAB: From 2004 to 2006, the CMPF provided $150,000 in funding for a DNA lab analyst to work cold cases. The $150,000 paid for salary and supplies which led to 52 direct matches to suspects or convicted offenders. The analyst tested DNA from 158 homicide, rape, sexual assault, and other violent crime cases.
FIRE EXTINGUISHER FOR EVERY POLICE CAR: Fire extinguishers for 1,100 police cars were funded by CMPF. Now, every police vehicle will be fully equipped with a fire extinguisher to aid our police officers and the citizens they serve.
ELECTRONIC MONITORING OF PRE-TRIAL RELEASE CHRONIC OFFENDERS: In 2007, the CMPF donated $110,000 for a pilot program to lease and monitor 100 ankle bracelet devices with GPS tracking. The devices were deployed on pre-trial offenders. In 2009, 726 offenders were monitored. In 2010, 956 offenders were monitored. The program has been a tremendous success and an integral part of the crime reduction strategies employed by CMPD. Funding now comes from the CMPD operating budget.
For more information: Contact Executive Director Ann Henegar @ 704.332.9857
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