Sunday, May 1, 2011

Electronic Monitoring Suspect Arrested for Residential B&E

Wesley Quinn Baker
On April 27th, at approx. 3:00 pm, CMPD Hickory Grove Division Officers arrested Wesley Quinn Baker after they responded to a breaking and entering call at a home in the 1400 block of Kelston Place. The female victim told officers she returned home from work to find her door kicked in and her home ransacked. She reported several items missing from her residence including; cash, jewelry and electronic equipment.

CMPD Officers interviewed neighbors for potential witnesses and canvassed the neighborhood.  Additionally, a query was made through the crime scene correlation monitoring system to determine if any suspects on electronic monitoring were in the area at the time of the break-in.

A confirmed hit indicated Baker was present at the location at the time of the incident. The monitoring system also tracked Baker to a Pawn Shop on North Tryon Street where he later attempted to pawn some of the items stolen during the break-in.

Baker was subsequently arrested and charged with Breaking and Entering and Felony Larceny.  Baker had been placed on electronic monitoring earlier in the year for charges of Larceny from Auto.   In the past 3 years, Wesley Baker has been arrested 13 TIMES in Mecklenburg County! 

The CMPD says they will continue to employ "aggressive strategies to remove individuals from society who continue to victimize our community."   We also want to urge citizens to observe and report suspicious activity by calling 911.  Anyone with information on unsolved cases may forward their anonymous tips to Crime Stoppers at 704-334-1600.